Other pages about the topic: Forecasting & Research

Language spoken at home

Persons Living in Households Where Language Other Than English Is Spoken

Age 5 and Over

Families in poverty by household type

Family Type With
Married Couple 3.9% 2.6%
Male Householder, No Wife Present 14.2% 5.9%
Female Householder, No Husband Present 30.0% 9.3%

One-parent and two-parent families

Families with Children Under 18 Headed by Single Parents

Year Percent
2021 29.7%
2010 29.5%
2000 27.1%
1990 23.7%

Families by household type

Percent of Families by Household Type


Population by age, mapped by county

Median Age, 2022

In 2010, the median age of persons living in Washington state was 37.3 years. In 2022 the median age had increased to 38.6 years.

Jefferson County had the highest median age in 2010 at 53.9 years. By 2022, the median age in Jefferson County had reached 60.7 years.

The 2007 Washington Input-Output Model

Released September 2012 (Revised October 2015)

In 2010, seven state agencies and the legislative staff, under the direction of Dr. William Beyers, University of Washington Geography Professor, and Marc Baldwin, Office of Financial Management (OFM), initiated the estimation of a new version of the Washington State Input-Output (I-O) model. OFM staff member Dr. Ta-Win Lin served as the project coordinator.

Social-economic conditions

State economic, demographic, and social trends are related to one another and, in turn, affect government policies on spending and taxation. A strong economy, for example, attracts more people to the state, which in turn boosts state tax collections. At the same time, however, increases in population also put additional pressure on such areas of state responsibility as public schools, prisons, and social services. Social developments, such as crime rates and the incidence of teenage pregnancies, also contribute to demands on public resources.
