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MyPortal - manage my substitutes

Use this procedure to set up a Planned or Unplanned Substitute within MyPortal.

Substitutes are leave approvers who are assigned by another supervisor to approve leave on their behalf while they are out of the office for a period of time. Planned Substitutes have a defined start and stop time for approving leave on behalf of another supervisor. Unplanned Substitutes do not have a defined start and stop time.

Substitute relationships created within MyPortal must be at a level above the supervisor within the org unit hierarchy structure. At minimum, all supervisors should assign at least one Unplanned Substitute to ensure someone has the ability to approve leave in their absence. 

Agency time, personnel administration, or payroll processors can view substitutions for their agency within HRMS through the MyPortal Substitution Report.

TIP: Agency directors or executive level managers may assign administrative staff to approve employee leave requests on their behalf. Contact your agency HR or payroll office to initiate this request.

Planned Substitutes vs Unplanned Substitutes

Planned Substitute Unplanned Substitute
Has a defined start and stop time for approving leave on behalf of another supervisor. No defined start and stop time for approving leave on behalf of another supervisor.
Cannot submit leave on behalf of an employee of another supervisor. Cannot submit leave on behalf of an employee of another supervisor.
Must be a leave approver who is one level up or higher on the org unit hierarchy. Must be a leave approver who is one level or higher on the org unit hierarchy.
One or multiple Planned Substitutes can be assigned at the same time. One or multiple Unplanned Substitutes can be assigned at the same time.
Automatically receives employee leave requests on behalf of another supervisor in their My Inbox tile for the defined period of time. Does not automatically receive employee leave requests on behalf of another supervisor in their My Inbox tile.
Substitute and original supervisor/manager will receive email notification for pending leave requests if All Task Groups is selected in the substitution Task Group. Substitute and original supervisor/manager will receive email notification for pending leave requests if All Task Groups is selected in the substitution Task Group.
Does not need to activate Substitute For function to begin receiving leave requests on behalf of another supervisor in their My Inbox tile. Must activate the Substitute For function to begin receiving leave requests on behalf of another supervisor in their My Inbox tile.

MyPortal - Manage my planned substitutes

MyPortal - Manage my unplanned substitutes

MyPortal - Turn substitute for option on and off

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