Population in poverty

Washington Percent of Population in Poverty

Age Group Percent in Poverty
All Ages 9.9%
Age 0-17 12.2%
Age 18-64 9.6%
Age 65+ 8.2%

By Age Group, 1969-2021

Related Maps

  • The statewide poverty rate for the total population displayed almost no change over the 1990s, but spiked more recently because of the recession.
  • Washington's elderly population is the only group to show a significant long-term decline in poverty. In 1969, 23.0% of the elderly, more than one in five, lived in poverty. By 2021, following national trends, this percentage was 8.2%. The long-term decrease in poverty among persons age 65 and over is due to the expansion of Social Security and Medicare benefits and indexing those benefits io inflation.

Data source:

E-mail: OFM.Forecasting@ofm.wa.gov

Last updated
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
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